Meet our Ross Star, Ove!


Ove Flågeng

Hired Ross Star since:

August 2008

My name is Ove Flågeng. I am 50 years old, married and a father of two. I have 25 years’ of experience within Drilling, and my journey as Lead Drilling Engineer in Ross Offshore (Bergen) started in 2008.

1. Briefly describe a normal workday for you?

Read and evaluate the report from operation, morning meeting with the rig. Solve the daily challenges together with colleagues and vendors. Make plans for the next operations coming up in operation.

2. What is the best thing about being a Ross Star (working in Ross)?

The best thing with working in Ross is the variation in project types, and the variation in the location of the projects i.e. Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger.

3. What do you like to do when you're not at work?

My favorite hobbies are golf and hiking in the mountain.

4. Do you have a hidden talent?

No hidden talent as far as I know, more an all-round player.

5. What do you think will be the most important thing we do at Ross Offshore into the future?

Finding new areas to develop in, like CCS and offshore wind

6. Which of our values is your favorite, and why? (verdiene vi har i Ross)

We keep our promises, we stay updated and we deliver quality. Always.
Reliable is the value which describes best what we try to achieve in D&W.