
HSEQ & Certifications

Health, Safety, Environment & Quality is important in every industry – and the Oil & Gas industry is no exception. Staying on top of this subject field should not been seen as a requirement, but good business practice.

We perform regular audits of our own systems, to ensure that we are up to the task of providing you with the best HSEQ Management possible. Everything is recorded in our internal document control system. Our Management System is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard – and have a quality control and reporting system for our internal HSEQ events as well as all documents, flowcharts and procedures.

We care for the environment and we keep track of our carbon footprint. Calculating and reporting of GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data are actively used in the internal improvement work.

At the heart of our HSEQ commitment to business is the CEO signed Code of Conduct and our 10 Core Principles. They state that;

  1. We comply with laws
  2. We respect our colleagues
  3. We ensure healthy and safe working conditions
  4. We protect our assets and confidential information
  5. We respect fundamental human rights
  6. We never make illegal payments
  7. We select our business partners carefully
  8. We avoid conflicts of interest
  9. We compete fairly
  10. We operate in an environmentally responsible manner


Ross Offshore 2023


The Code of Conduct, principle 5, dictates our work for human rights according to the Transparency Act(Åpenhetsloven 2021).

Principle 5: We respect fundamental human rights We will protect the fundamental human rights of everyone affected by our activities. This is especially important when we operate in areas and regions with low standards of living and poor protection of human rights by the national authorities. We recognize that respect for human rights is a global standard and that our responsibility to respect and comply with human rights applies to all activities wherever we operate. This standard takes precedence over national laws and is intended to ensure that fundamental rights are protected when local law and standards do not provide adequate protection.

We will respect human rights in accordance with the UN’s guiding principles. As a company, we support the principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), which means that we will work actively to integrate human rights into our practices and business activities, as well as continuously try to uncover the risk of violations in connection with our activities.

We shall:

Avoid creating or contributing to human rights violations through our operations. We will demand that our contractors and suppliers also respect human rights in accordance with the UN’s guiding principles;

  • Work actively against negative impact on human rights if and when they occur;
  • Seek to prevent or minimize human rights violations directly related to our activities, products or services;
  • Never use child labor or forced labor in our own operations, and commit our contractors and suppliers to do the same;
  • Recognize the right to collective bargaining and the freedom of association;
  • Provide all our employees with a decent salary and regulated working hours;
  • Respect the cultures of indigenous people and recognize their right to practice their traditions and customs. Human rights are defined by conventions and principles, such as the UN’s international conventions and declarations on human rights and ILO’s core labor standards conventions. By expressing our support to UNGC, we are dedicated to supporting ten internationally recognized principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental sustainability, and anti-corruption. We expect you to study the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (

We understand that protection of human rights is not only the responsibility of the government, but that we have an independent responsibility to safeguard human rights through our activities. Our goal is to make a positive contribution to the societies in which we operate by safeguarding human rights by developing businesses, encouraging innovation, and increasing international competitive power.


Report for due diligence – The Transparency Act

From July 2022, everyone has the right to ask companies covered by the Transparency Act for information on how they handle consequences related to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.

The Transparency Act applies to larger businesses in Norway and that offer goods and services in or outside Norway.  Ross Offshore comes under the terms of the definition of larger businesses and is thus covered by the Transparency Act.

Ross offshore is obliged by the Transparency Act to carry out due diligence in accordance with the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) guidelines for multinational enterprises.

As part of due diligence, Ross Offshore has anchored accountability in the company’s guidelines in the Code of Conduct, and the same is reflected on this website.

A Risk Assessment in the form of a essential assessment has been carried out based on the 10 largest suppliers for the period January to November 2022.

The company has a risk-based process for assessing new suppliers (IDD) prior to contract agreements, and has revised contracts with requirements for suppliers in relation to the Transparency Act.

Ross Offshore’s deliveries are related to service deliveries with the largest part of the business within Norwegian national borders and contractual relationships. It is therefore considered that fundamental human rights are well safeguarded and possible negative effects directed at human rights as limited.


Redegjørelse for aktsomhetsvurderingen – Åpenhetsloven

Fra juli 2022 har alle rett til å be virksomheter som omfattes av åpenhetsloven om informasjon om hvordan de håndterer konsekvenser knyttet til grunnleggende menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold.

Åpenhetsloven er gjeldende for større virksomheter som er hjemmeværende i Norge, og som tilbyr varer og tjenester i eller utenfor Norge.  Ross Offshore kommer inn under vilkår for definisjonen av større virksomheter og omfattes i så måte av åpenhetsloven.

Ross offshore er av åpenhetsloven pliktet til å utføre aktsomhetsvurdering i tråd med OECDs (Organisasjon for Økonomisk samarbeid og utvikling) retningslinjer for flernasjonale selskaper.

Ross Offshore har som del av aktsomhetsvurdering forankret ansvarlighet i virksomhetens retningslinjer i Code of Conduct, og det samme er reflektert på denne nettsiden.

En Risikovurdering i form av vesentlighetsvurdering er gjennomført basert på de 10 største leverandører for perioden januar til og med november 2022.

Virksomheten har risikobasert prosess for å vurdere nye leverandører (IDD) i forkant av kontraktinngåelse, og har tilpasset kontrakter med krav til leverandører i forhold til åpenhetsloven.

Ross Offshore’s leveranser er knyttet til tjenesteleveranser med største del av virksomheten innenfor Norske landegrenser og kontraktsforhold. En vurderer derfor at de grunnleggende menneskerettighetene er godt ivaretatt og mulige negative effekter rettet mot menneskerettigheter som begrenset.

Lena Meling Bøe

Operations HSE Manager

Lena Meling Bøe

Operations HSE Manager